Graham began today by drinking lots of PediaSure, which is just what the doctor ordered. Literally - he has to drink 7 each day to keep the feeding tube out. He followed it up with some good progress in his therapy sessions, another visit from his best buddy and brother, an amazing "first," thanks to a very special visitor, and some great news from the Baylor Children's house.
As I mentioned, Graham's orders were for him to drink seven 8-ounce cans of his "smoothie" every day. Fortunately for us, he LOVES them. At one point jokingly I told him I was going to drink the rest of one that he was working on, and he snatched it out of my hands and proceeded to chug it down, all with a classic Graham-smile on his face. Don't mess with a man's smoothie! Graham woke up this morning at 8:00 and had three of them down the hatch by 10:00, so eating is definitely not a problem for this guy. Tomorrow's menu? More smoothies, but with a twist - sandwiches and Mac 'N Cheese are on the lunch menu with his awesome speech therapist. She'll see how he does in terms of chewing and swallowing, but if all goes well Graham will be free to eat solid food whenever he wants starting tomorrow. He probably won't be ready for a ribeye just yet, but I'm not putting past him.
Graham did great in occupational therapy as well. He bowled with an exercise ball, kicked a soccer ball in a goal, rode on a swing, and wrote his name on the mirror with a dry erase marker again - this time making the letters even neater than they were yesterday
When we got back from OT, Graham chugged another can of vanilla-goodness and then had two very special visitors - his teacher and Brode's teacher from school. They have both been in before, and Graham's teacher has probably been in to see him half a dozen times since the accident. Today was the first time, though, that he was going to be awake. She text Lindsey and I a couple days ago that she would be coming in, so I have been prepping Graham for the visit. Today when I told him she would be coming in his body immediately froze, his smile grew from ear to ear, and he said "awesome!"
The visit proved to be very memorable. She brought him a coloring book and some markers, which he loved. She also brought him, amongst other things, the most fitting t-shirt that anyone could get for Graham:
It is so true. A member of Graham's neuro team that has been with him since day 1 saw him awake today for the first time in about a week. She came upon him walking with his little walker on the way back from the gym, where Graham had physical therapy. He did his full array of signature moves: Crane pose from The Karate Kid (with balance assistance), hand-pistols, pipes show (flexed his biceps), spoke to her, and on and on. She looked stunned and elated, and said "This is why we do what we do. And this is why we don't tell you when you come in how we think he will end up, because we all would have been wrong." Nothing can stop this little fighter.
The last thing out of his gift bag from his teacher was a wonderful sign that she made. It is the size of two regular pieces of paper, and was a very heart-felt gift from a wonderful and caring teacher:
Graham IS a superhero. And he loved the sign when he saw it. As he pulled it out, the only thing anyone said to him is "what does it say?" Graham's response? "" So yeah, Graham can read. He can SEE well enough to read. He can THINK well enough to read. And he did it fairly quickly. Amazing. The fact Graham can do all that he does at the end of his first month (31 days) after getting his head run over by an SUV, and HE CAN READ on top of it all, is an absolute miracle. In the first few days following the accident Lindsey and I were ready for a long haul - 2-3 months in the ICU. Possibly 6 months in hospitals. We had all the faith and confidence that with Graham's fighting spirit, an amazing hospital, and so many prayers, he would make an amazing recovery. But he has exceeded even our most optimistic expectations. And it gets better...
We met with a woman from Baylor Children's House today. She is ready for Graham to come next Monday or Tuesday. The expected length of his stay? "Plan on two weeks." I was floored. "That's it?" was my incredulous response. She said that with everything he is doing now, and with the rate at which he is improving, she could even see us going home and starting outpatient rehab after as little as a week. Mind....blown. So what started out as the darkest day in our lives has turned into a story of hope, faith, and fight. Graham is proof that the world is good. After just 31 days, he is poised to come home within weeks, and will be ready to start 1st Grade on August 25. Lindsey and I? Our hearts are so full of gratitude to everyone who continually prays for Graham.
I went to church on Sunday (first time in a month for obvious reasons) while Lindsey stayed with Graham and taught Sunday school to our little class of 3 year-olds we call Sunbeams. As one little boy prayed to close out the class, he said "and please bless Graham Kormylo that he will be ok." IT melted my heart and made me cry on the spot. Just thinking of all the things like that brings tears to my eyes as my fingers move across the keyboard. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers. They help - a lot. There were times late at night in the ICU, with the Graham's ventilator puffing, that I would plead with God to save my son and heal him. As I did I would often wonder - do I have enough faith to deserve a miracle? But when I thought of all the people like my little Sunbeam - praying everyday for Graham - my faith grew, because I knew that even if I wasn't strong enough or good enough to deserve it, there are many praying for Graham who are. So from day 2 or 3 I rested easy and was able to put my trust in God thanks to all the friends, family, and amazing people who I knew were praying for my boy. Lindsey and I will never be able to adequately thank you, but we hope some time soon we can try. Until we can, please keep praying for Graham, and God bless you all.
I have been praying daily for Graham since I heard about his accident. I pray with total confidence that God is capable of anything and is still performing miracles. Thank you for bringing along on your journey through your posts. It reminds me of God's power and the power of prayer!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you Graham and the rest of the family!!
Mary Kramer (friend of a teacher at Graham's school)
Hudson WI
This child is special and has an important mission to fulfill in mortality. His life has not only been preserved but he is a living miracle and example of God's tender mercies. Prayers are answered. I am so so so so grateful!
ReplyDeleteThat is soooo amazing! Great job Graham and keep it up buddy! i love his spunk and love of life! He is a missionary already and his example has helped me and i'm sure many more! Prayers for Graham and your family will be continued :) I'm so glad you had a great day and that you put your faith in God, because ultimately everything we have comes from him and He has a perfect plan we don't know everything about. Thank you for your testimony and example!!
Exactly how many times in a week can you make me cry. :) I am so overwhelmed with joy over your superhero. I hope his fighting spirit is with him as long as that big Graham grin.
ReplyDeleteHeavenly Father has great plans for this little guy. We will continue to pray.
ReplyDeleteI'm so grateful for these updates. My heart swells every time I hear the good reports that we have been praying about. Wonderful to be a part of seeing God's handiwork. Graham has showed us all how to receive the love and healing power of God with child like faith and see parents that are strong in their trust in Christ the Healer.
ReplyDeleteWonderful news!!! I'm so excited for all of you. The power of praying for Super Hero Graham has shown us amazing miracles every day. Super G is on my prayers every day! Much love!
ReplyDeleteAmazing!!! Love all these wonderful updates.
ReplyDeleteGraham is looking better by the day. He's a very strong kid, and I'm proud of him. I think the therapy is going well for him. It is definitely helping him recover in more ways than one. I know it's hard for you, but seeing him slowly overcome his situation must be making you proud. Just know that we're here to support you. Thank you for updating us. All the best!
ReplyDeleteAgnes Lawson @ MedWell, LLC